Monday, February 20, 2017

Follow Jesus, Not the Man's Wallet!

Woman of God, let's continue from where we left the last time we talked. I'm pretty sure you haven't forgotten what we agreed on, right? Well, if you have, I won't mind reminding you- just a recap for that matter. 

We were dealing on how you ought to conduct yourself as a princess before your Mr. Right came along. We agreed that it's wise you "put your house in order" before letting anybody in. That it's good you qualify yourself and let the Lord complete you first!

Then we went further... and when these "aspirants" come forward to contest for your coveted love, how do you spot "The One" among the many? And I said that firstly, it's good that outward appearance should come after the inner beauty has led.


Never allow his wallet confuse you.

You shouldn’t be hasty in judging a brother by how wealthy he is. Many sisters have fallen victims of this circumstance and married wolves in sheep’s clothing. Before my husband came along, a Christian banker came. All the qualities befitting a husband seemed to radiate: spiritually, financially, and physically.

But as I did my assignment on character and godliness, I realized he was wanting, and so I quit. I quickly noticed a showy and a domineering attitude and I thought, “This man will make me his slave once I am married to him. He will instruct me to wash “his” and not “our” car, he will caution me not to spoil his expensive carpet with dirt, and worse still, slap me if I lovingly ask him where he is from at midnight.’’

I know what you must be thinking now, “Oh, you simply turned down a banker for a pastor?” You are right. I wasn’t just having some weird thoughts about Mr. Banker; I knew the Spirit in me couldn’t lie. That price-like godly character I was anticipating in him couldn’t register well. 

I chose not to follow the majority. The world has magnified wealth at the expense of inner peace. Yes, I do agree that wealth and riches shall follow the righteous. The word of God puts it well: The wealth will FOLLOW the righteous. And it should be taken as that. We are to seek first the eternal unfading riches of God embedded in his abounding grace. Matthew 6:33 puts it well: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

What's the meaning of "All these"? It means anything that your heart desires to advance God's glory here on earth, and for comfort. God's will is that you prosper in all things even as your soul prospers. But again God's children tend to take it lightly and in turn long to gain wealth through dubious means including women accepting a man for a hand in marriage simply because of the "power of the pocket". 

Very few single wealthy men have turned out to be good husbands and fathers. Most of the wealthy men, instead of worshiping the giver of their wealth, end up worshiping money itself. When a man is guided by money, he will go an extent of neglecting his roles and duties as a husband and father. This is where your prayerful discernment as the sister is most needed. Don’t ignore!

Prayer will help you to discern whether a wealthy Christian man puts God before his finances in the way he speaks and acts. It all narrows down to a godly character.

 I challenge you to follow your heart not his wallet while courting!

Anticipate my third pro-tip on how to spot your prince in my next post.

Meanwhile, I'm more than delighted to offer you my greatly subsidized single women's e-book below. It will address you as a princess: How to walk in your divine nature, how to spot your prince from the place of rest, and how to enjoy godly romance with your prince! 

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